Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Solution to a Better World

Some people believe that to start the school day with prayer will create an aura of order among the students.  Having prayer will instill moral values in children. School reinforces the values children learn at home and in the community. Prayer will also enable kids to understand their classmates better, which would cut down on bullying. Others thinks, prayer would provide an awakening to the problems with drugs, immorality, and violence. I believe that with prayer in school a lot of problems would not be such a big issue in society today. Even though prayer is not allowed in the classroom, there are religious activities that the government does allow. 

When the school prayer was banned, the government eliminated more than just praying in the classroom, they got rid of same religious activities as well. Some people don’t want prayers in the classroom or in your area of work because they feel that it is harmful. When prayer is said in the classroom or in your area of work, those who do not want to pray would be able to leave. By excusing themselves they risk later being harassed by students or co-workers. 
I'm in favor for prayer in schools and in your area of work, but will make a conscious effect to understand why someone might be opposed to the idea. I believe that what is taught about religion to a child should remain with the parents and family. There are many people that believe prayer does not belong in the schools or in your work area, because it violates the separation of church and state.The US Department of Justice prohibits discrimination based on religion, so why we encourage religious discrimination in school or at work?
Freedom of religion and separation of church and state make prayer in school or in any other places a difficult subject. We must make sure that everyone has the right to free religion and still not crossing the line of church and state which is very important. There is a conflict between government and religion that has sparked in debate. The result indices that The Supreme Court has not as some people assume prohibited prayer in school or in public area. It is not unconstitutional for people or students to pray in public area. What is unconstitutional is to sponsor or encourage prayer in public school or public authorities.This is an extremely important issue, which should be openly discussed not for the sake of argument, but to honestly discuss the positive effect. I come from a school where praying was part of our curriculum, and I really believe that prayer can help us in our behavior and most important it can bring respect for the individual.
Our children are too young to make moral decisions and must be taught the proper and respectful way to behave, not only to parents, but to teachers, authorities and in social setting. If we begin to see the discipline, we can say that it has all but disappeared in our society. This is why prayer is so important. Prayer teaches thankfulness to a creator and inferring that people are morally accountable to God and to all other people as well for personal behavior. I hope that in some way we all get together as a society and begin to see that we need to ask for help so that our society, could decline the degrading behaviors that has developed since we as a society have witness violent criminal, seriously depressed and mentally scarred people who used guns to slaughter friends, family and innocent people, in cold blood. Together we can reach a solution: "Ask and it shall be given, you seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."  (Matthew 7.7)

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